Your Heart is your lifeline so protect it from toxins to prevent surgical interventions with the new Artery Clearance Therapy(also called Chelation Therapy). The only solution to heart disease? No, there are alternative therapies & the latest on the scene is ACT. Practiced by over 1,500 doctors in the USA, its something much simpler. Artery Clearance Therapy (ACT) includes the use of antioxidants & lifestyle management. Stress, pollution, bad dietary habits, smoking & sedentary lifestyles are the primary factor for heart disease. Today one out of ten persons suffers from it. ACT is a new hope for arteriosclerosis (fatty deposits in arteries) & age associated disease. What exactly is Artery Clearance Therapy? This is a chemical therapy by which a metal or mineral (Lead, mercury, copper, iron, arsenic, aluminium, calcium) is bonded to another substance, it is natural process. In this therapy a small amino acid called ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) is administered to the patients intravenously. This EDTA infusion bonds with excess metals & other toxic elements in the body & throws them out through the urine. Thus major problems like heart attacks, strokes, leg pain, gangrene, bypass surgery & balloon angioplasty can be prevented. ACT patients resume their normal activities sooner than patients who have undergone surgical procedure. with proper diet, regular exercise, nutritional supplements & periodic maintenance. Those people taking ACT usually go many years without suffering any more problems. Chelation is not a “cureall” by itself, It merely reduces abnormal free radical activity, allowing normal healing & control mechanism to come into play to restore health. So chelate your way to a healthy happy heart.

Gentle process taking is approximately 2-3 hours per treatment. Given every 48 hours as a general rule, a series of infusion treatments is indicated, although that figure is subject to medical review. Side effects are minimal, transient, and generally connected to the detoxification taking place. No adverse side effects have been noted and the process is in regular use in Europe and USA. Chelation is safe cost-effective, method of treating problems relating to compromised circulatory systems. The successfully treated patient can expect a cessation of the symptoms [shortness of breath, chest pains, memory loss etc all, connected to mineral-clogged blood vessels. The patient can also expect to look, feel and function better; a matter that will no doubt be noted by friends and family. In combination with our supportive therapies, chelation has proven to be a non-intensive, cost-effective, alternative, to the major surgeries usually associated with cardiac and circulatory illnesses.

What is Artery Clearance Therapy ?

ACT is an intravenous treatment using a solution containing minerals, vitamins, and special man-made amino-acid. This solution through complex biochemical action at the molecular level has the effect of removing toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury & arsenic. It also causes the mobilization of abnormal calcium some of which is excreted via urine & bile, and some of which is recirculated with the possibility of being redeposited in bone.

The term chelation came from the greek word “Chele” Which means to grab onto like a claw. Chemically; the chelating agent, claw shaped attacks a positively charged metal & surrounded it, making it inactive & eventually removes it from the body. ACT promotes health by correcting the majors underlying causes of arterial blockage. Damaging oxygen free radicals are increased by the presence of metallic elements & act as a chronic irritant to blood vessel walls & cell membranes. EDTA removes those metallic irritants, allowing leaky & damaging cell walls to heal plaques smooth over & allowing more blood to pass as arterial walls become softer & more pliable, allowing easier expansion . Scientific studies have proven that blood flow increases after ACT. A complete programme of ACT involves a broad-based health care programme of regular exercise, proper nutrition, vitamins and minerals supplement & avoidance of tobacco and other damaging habits. ACT is a therapy by which repeated administration of a weak synthetic amino-acid (EDTA-Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic acid) gradually reduce atherosclerotic plaque & others mineral deposits throughout the cardiovascular system by literally dissolving them away.

EDTA is so effective at removing unwanted minerals and metals from the blood, it has been the standerd “FDA-approved” treatment for lead, mercury, aluminium and cadmium poisoning for more than 50 years. EDTA improves calcium & cholesterol metabolism by eliminating metallic catalysts which cause damage to cell membranes by producing “oxygen free radicals”. EDTA was first used in Germany in 1940’s to treat heavy metal poisoning. Since 1950\\\'s, Dr. Norman Clark & other physicians noticed that patients treated with EDTA for lead poisoning reported less pain from angina, improved memory, better sight, hearing & smell and increase in energy. Convinced from tests with rabbits that EDTA could clear out clogged arteries, some doctors began to use chelation on humans. This ACT featured in the Americal Medical Association’s Medical world news. In 1980\\\\\\\'s a number of reports in the medical literature documented improvement in vascular disease.

Scientific Proof

One trial with 2870 patients showed considerable to excellent improvement after ACT (both objectively & subjectively) in 93% of patients with heart disease, 97% of patients with narrowing of the leg arteries & 60% of patients suffering from cerebral vascular problems.

In another trial, 17 out of 18 patients showed considerable improvement of cardiac pump function after 20 chelation drips. 15 patients with impaired brain circulation, all reported a lessening of complaints. In 14 of these a brain scan clearly demonstrated improved circulation. In 57 patients with narrowed cerebral vessels, narrowing dropped back from an average of 28% to 10 %. In yet another trial with 30 patients suffering from narrowing of the cerebral vessels , a sonogram of the neck arteries (carotids) was performed after 10 months. It showed a decrease in vessel narrowing from 49% to 28%. The group with the most severe stages of narrowing improved dramatically, from 77% to 42%. In patients suffering from diminished kidney function, average kidney function improved by 50%.

Complete Programme of ACT includes

Artery Clearance Therapy is only part of the curative process. Improved nutrition & improved lifestyle are absolutely imperative for lasting benefit from chelation treatment. Chelation is not in & of itself a “Cure All”. It nearly reduces abnormal free radical activity, allowing normal control mechanism to come into play so that free radical damage can be repaired & health can be restored with the help of applied clinical nutrition, antioxidants supplementation and lifestyle corrections.
Nutritional supplements : A scientifically balanced regimen of nutritional supplements reinforces the body’s antioxidants defenses & should include vitamins E,C,B1,B2,B6,B12, pantothenic acid & beta carotene. A balanced program of mineral & trace element supplementation should include magnesium, zinc selenium, manganese & chromium. Destructive Habits : It is important to eliminate the use of tobacco altogether & cigarettes & pipe tobacco, snuff or cigars. It has been observed that patients continue smoke following chelation have demonstrated less improvement. Anyone who drinks more than one or two ounces of pure ethanol in 24 hours(8 glass of beer, 4 small glasses of wine, 2 short glasses of hard liquors) risks free radical damage. Even that amount is harmful in a regular basis. Victims of chronic degenerative disease should usually avoid consumption of alcohol. Exercise- Physical exercises are very helpful, even a brisk 45 minutes walk several times per week help to maintain the health and benefit in improved circulation.

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